martedì 1 dicembre 2015


                                                       is a popular social network. It was launched in Latavia in 2010. It has became very trendy worldwilde but, it also can be quite dangerous.
Ask gives people the chance to ask or answer all type of questions. 
Your  questions  can be for a specific person or  you can post it publicly. 
Sometimes, you can also find less plesant questions and very bad answers.
Ask.Fm  guarantees anonymity, so it has became  a way for teenagers to exchange insults and threats, and this has had very serious consequences.
So a few teenagers  committed suicide after being cyber bullied on this site.
Like Hannah Smith, a 14 year old girl who killed herselfs for the messages she was getting.
But this website can be a lot of fun.
You can make new friends from many different countries and learn about other cultures, new music ecc, but you need to remember that you must be careful who you talk  to. If  someone contacts you,using sexual comments, or a comment that you find bullyng, report it and block them.

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